Sort of like deleting MV's backwards in an attribute to not miss any. Been
there as well.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dean Fox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 2:04 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT

> Your understanding of the BASIC select is correct. It starts in group one
> and works it's way down.  In my early years of PICK programming I learned
> this the hard way.  As this user hasn't yet seen adverse effects is luck
> design.
> Probably because of the a change to the least significant portion of the
> (hash wise) and the number of groups vs. items, they're all hashing to the
> same group after the ID change.
> In a similar test where the new ID would hash to a forward group, in the
> code provided, it would be deleted. Been there, done that and now know
> better.
> -[d]-
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Falkner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 11:16 AM
> Subject: RE: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT
> Karl,
> I cannot speak to the issue of speed but I am concerned about the safety
> either process; I believe you may end up with missing employees!
> I believe the BASIC SELECT sets a pointer at the start of group 1 and
> it through each item in that group before moving on to group 2. What could
> happen is that the record with the new 6 digit key is written to a later
> group and the item with the old key is deleted. Later, the SELECT would
> up the new employee and, even though it already has a 6-digit key, would
> write it back to the file and then immediately delete it!
> I would prefer to see a TCL-style SELECT be performed instead of the BASIC
> SELECT, e.g. PERFORM "SELECT CUSTEMP" instead of SELECT CF. This will
> definitely not select any of the newly-created items, though it would also
> fail if any employees on file already had 6-digit keys.
> Alternatively, you could check the new item key differs from the original
> item key before deleting an item.
> E.g.    write REC on CF,NK
>          if K # NK then
>             delete CF,K
>          end
> If my understanding of the BASIC SELECT is wrong I would be happy if
> on this list could enlighten me.
> Oh, and I must add that I much prefer the LOOP ... REPEAT syntax too! I
> wouldn't imagine there would be much difference in speed and I find it
> easier to write/debug.
> Thanks for the interesting question!
> Derek Falkner
> Kingston, Ontario, Canada
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, December 13, 2004 10:33 AM
> Subject: [U2] LOOP or GOTO on READNEXT
> I've seen 2 ways to read a client key, change the length to 6 digits, then
> write it back out, delete the old one and move on:
> EXAMPLE 1 of 2:
> !(FIXEMPNO) - Fix the employee number length
>       open '','CUSTEMP' to CF else stopm 'Not'
>       select CF
> 10:   readnext K else stop
>       read REC from CF,K then
>          NK = fmt(K,"R%6")
>          write REC on CF,NK
>          delete CF,K
>       end
>       go 10
>    end
> EXAMPLE 2 of 2:
> !(FIXEMPNO) - Fix the employee number length
>       DONE = 0
>       open '','CUSTEMP' to CF else stopm 'Not'
>       select CF
>       loop
>          readnext K else DONE = 1
>       read REC from CF,K then
>          NK = fmt(K,"R%6")
>          write REC on CF,NK
>          delete CF,K
>       end
>       repeat
>    end
> My intent is not to start a religious discussion about GO or GOTOs because
> see that method all over the place and regardless of why, who or whatever,
> my question is, which is faster. (I prefer using loop..repeat syntax,
> --
> Karl L. Pearson
> Director of IT,
> ATS Industrial Supply
> Direct: 801-978-4429
> Toll-free: 800-789-9300 1,29
> Fax: 801-972-3888
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