> TRUE = (1 EQ 1)   ;* If not otherwise defined
> FALSE = NOT(TRUE) ;* If not otherwise defined

Just use @TRUE and @FALSE variables U2 already gives us.

VLIST of example in Universe:

00001:       IF @TRUE THEN CRT 'YES'
00001 00000 : 2DE testfw         1 0000E: 
00001 00008 : 046 crtcrlf        "YES" 

00002:       IF @FALSE THEN CRT = "NO"
00002 0000E : 2DE testfw         0 0001E: 
00002 00018 : 0F8 move           "NO"  => CRT 

00003:       FLAG = @TRUE
00003 0001E : 0F8 move           1  => FLAG 

00004:       FLAG = @FALSE
00004 00024 : 0F8 move           0  => FLAG 
00005 0002A : 190 stop
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