I've just installed a copy of UV 10.1 on a virtual Win2K3 server. That's 
working fine.

I've also installed a copy of the matching UVAdmin program on my pc. That seems 
to be working fine, in as much as when I try to talk to our UV 9.5 box, it 
rejects my login with "you must be an administrator".

The trouble is, when I try to connect to UV10.1, it fails with "no rpc 
connection active". Seeing as this box is useless until I can get UVAdmin to 
connect to change the default settings, this is a major stumbling block!

Any ideas, anyone?

Two possible factors - I used my normal id (not Administrator) to do the 
install (I was given administrator rights, not sure I'm happy about that...), 
and I installed everything on the server in "c:\progra~1\IBM" rather than the 
default "c:\ibm". Could either of these two have anything to do with it?

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