Oh, the "uvdls" command must be what's going on! I'm on a linux system. Thanks, thanks, thanks!

Kevin P Lynch wrote:


As stated the uvlictool will show you the list of pids and what ip they
are connected with, a pid without an ip/computer name is a pid that
is connected from a client that is not using device licensing.

Accuterm, Dynamic Connect (the free "wintegrate lite" emulator on the U2
client cd)
and other "pick" terminal emulators do support device licensing,
it is an open interface with a dll that you can include in your client if
you would
like to add the support (unfortunately if you are using a commercial
that doesn't support device licensing then you are out of luck)

Device licensing is part of the UV telnet server on a Windows based system
so there is nothing more that needs to be done BUT on a UNIX based system you need
to invoke universe using the uvdls command instead of the uv command.

Hope this helps,
Kevin Lynch
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