> Wow, I have not heard that name in a while.
> I had to convert a client off ThoroughBred to a Universe base ERP system
> many years ago.  We never did find a good, direct export function.
> Instead we printed reports to text files then used a product called
> Monarch to map these files and covert the data to a format we could import
> into U2.  A bit tedious yes, but it worked fairly well.
If you do dump stuff to text file, I've got a program I've called HOLLLOAD to 
load fixed-width stuff into a UV file. I'll try and post it at PickWiki in the 
next few days. If the text is in a "punchcard" style format you just tell 
HOLLLOAD which fields to use and how wide they are (it reads the default from 
the dictionary), and up it comes into file!

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