> > Dimensioned vs Dynamic--brain damaged code is still brain damaged code.
> I could not agree more!
> > the music majors passing themselves off as Pick programmers
> For the record I almost failed music history :)
> For those keeping track of suggestions for IBM here is one that would help
> bridge this divide.  
> Allow re-dimensioning of dimensioned arrays at runtime.  In VB you have
> the REDIM command and in C you can "re-dimension" damn near anything.
> Having this capability would provide the best of both worlds.  

As others have pointed out, YOU CAN. You just need to be using one of 
PI-derived flavours. And someone said you can actually switch between PI and 
Pick style behaviour even within one program! provided you sprinkle the magic 
directives in the correct places.
> Rich Taylor | Senior Programmer/Analyst| VERTIS
> 250 W. Pratt Street | Baltimore, MD 21201
> P 410.361.8688 | F 410.528.0319 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.vertisinc.com
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