George Smith wrote:
> What .Net components (c#) are being used by Unidata
> developers since we now have the .Net connectivity?
> We use Infragistics and Xceed at work for use with MS
> SQL. Would like some pickie opinions for home development.

Hi George, outside of the "standard 3", what kind of info are you looking
for? :
- UO.NET : Seems to me to be a wrapper around UO.  Not 100% managed code,
no connection pooling, missing some features, really not a big deal - but
free.  Someone please correct me if this perception is incorrect, I haven't
looked that deeply into this.
- PDP.NET : First kid on the block, great software, Microsoft certified.
Faces some obstacles like price/TCO, doesn't have everything a relational
data provider has but for Pick people it's generally good enough, U2 sites
may be a little iffy about doing business with Raining Data.  Supports U2
and D3 only.
- mv.NET : Recent contender, great software, ongoing intense development,
better price than PDP.NET, not as complicated as PDP but same-to-more
features.  Supports all MV products, even some legacy platforms.

All three can be used with a Unidata PE environment at home.  However there
is not yet a free/home use version of the commercial offerings.  All three
can be used from C#, VB.NET, or other .NET languages. (COBOL or FORTRAN
access to U2 anyone?)

I'll be happy to share any info I can.  In case there is a question of
bias, I don't particularly care what products people use to connect to
their MV DBMS.  Nebula R&D will soon offer sales and development services
for both PDP.NET _and_ mv.NET.

Tony Gravagno, Nebula R&D
TG@ removethisNebula-RnD
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