Phil Walker wrote on Fri, 27 May 2005 9:54:17 +1200

> 3. IBM, why would the flavour of an account effect the use
> of a client tool such as U2 XML/DB Tool? Is this a design
> oversight? - or was it assumed that users would change the
> account flavour, ...

This is not the only tool that requires a certain flavour.  SB+ requires
Pick flavour to operate correctly.  Remember: the flavour not only affects
syntax, but also the symantics of certain commands.  Take a look at the
help for the LOCATE command for a prime example of how the same syntax
generates different results.

Under SB+, there are ways of changing flavour from Pick to Native on the
fly, but since I work primarily in Pick flavour, I don't know if the
reverse is true.  Under UniData, take a look at the help for the ECLTYPE
command and the BASICTYPE compiler directive for additional information.

--Tom Pellitieri
  Century Equipment
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