[EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote on 06/02/2005 10:34:09 PM:

> input oDate ; *format yyyymmdd
> iDate = iconv(oDate,'dymd')
> loop until oconv(iDate+1,'dd) = 1 do iDate += 1 repeat
> lastDay = oconv(iDate,'dymd')
> Not sure if it's worth bragging about - but mine's smaller (146 v. 161 
> bytes).

This will chew a lot of CPU cycles if you're working on the beginning of 
the month.  Again, it doesn't make much of a difference on a small data 
sample, but if you're processing millions of records, it can add up.

OK, I'll get off my performance soapbox now...

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist , U2 Professional Services
North American Lab Services
DB2 Information Management, IBM Software Group
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