Hi all,

New to the list; I've browsed the archives but cannot find anything relating to specifically the problem I am having, so if anyone can offer assistance it would be much appreciated.

Crystal Reports XI trying to access Universe 10.1.7 using the ODBC drivers IBM UniVerse ODBC driver version

The report reads the dictionary - that is, it produces a list of field names and data types. It will not "browse data" when a field is selected: it returns an empty dialogue box. Previewing the report generates an error as follows:

Failed to retrieve data from the database.
Details: HY000:[IBM][UVODBC][1401032]Error ID: 46 Severity:ERROR Facility: DBCAPERR - UCI Error. Func: SQLPrepare(DML); State: S1000; uniVerse code: 950088; Msg: [IBM][SQL Client][UNIVERSE]Universe/SQL:syntax error. Unexpected filename. Token was "VENDOR". Scanned command was FROM "VENDOR" "VENDOR". [Database Vendor Code: 950088].

Where VENDOR is the name of the file being accessed.

Does anyone have this particular configuration working? Can anyone suggest why it might not be working?

Thanks in advance for all assistance.

Richard Minshaw Senior Systems Analyst
Alan Nuttall Ltd
01455 638300 ext 410

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