At 18:22 -0700 2005/06/06, Bill Haskett wrote:
However, with "EQUATE VM TO CHAR(254)" there is no such relationship, so I
was taught not to do this as it wasn't the intention of the statement (even
though I could).  I think I was taught by someone who was very particular
about these kinds of things.  :-)

Coming from a C background, I always use EQUates for any constant that isn't going to change. I look at EQUates the same as a C #define statement. I bet you instructor didn't like that use of EQUates because he's see too many times where somebody forgets that the "variable" is really a constant and gets an error when trying to assign a value to the constant. That is specifically why I like to use EQUates like this, so I don't have to worry about a constant getting clobbered.

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