I guess I was more focused on the REMOVE statement and let my fingers do the
other typing. I'm not a LOOP REPEAT guy but rather a FOR NEXT guy,
especially when knowing the boundary values. Not knowing the ending value of
D caused me to use LOOP REPEAT which, given the wide variety of placements
for the WHILE and UNTIL clauses, used the wrong one first.

Since REMOVE (sans DCOUNT) doesn't know the end value, putting it in a FOR
NEXT loop may require FOR I=1 TO I+1. I don't like using FOR I=1 TO I+1 as
it mentally doesn't have a real ending. I'd rather DCOUNT a known ending,
use LOOP UNTIL "", REMOVE (with some more good experiences behind me) or use
the EXIT clause. In my travels, the FOR I=1 TO I+1 usually has a test and a
branch out of the loop which brings in single purpose statement labels which
this forum frowns upon.

BTW, i just tested REMOVE on D3 sans the AT clause  and it didn't compile.
That doesn't mean that it won't if another $OPTIONS clause is brought into
the fray.

Being an old-school guy, I got a little gun shy with all of the $OPTIONS and
UDT.OPTIONS in my travels. Being a consultant and not a full time programmer
or admin at my client's locations, I dare not fiddle with these settings.
Every one of my clients has had their systems established by a VAR or
someone else before me. I'm usually the current cook in the application
kitchen. I don't need a phone call on Tuesday for some OPTION that I mis-set
on Monday.

Mark Johnson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Wallis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 8:41 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] Text extraction.

> > Does this behave (misbehave) on u2 systems, ie be careful of
> > the location of the UNTIL statement?
> Mark, that is the documented behaviour, it certainly isn't misbehaving.
> Yes, you have to be precise about when you terminate the loop, but surely
> guy with your experience would always be precise about such things?
> BTW, is the AT clause something that D3 requires?  UniData, UniVerse and
> jBASE certainly don't.
> Cheers,
> Ken
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