At 00:18 -0400 2005/08/13, Mark Johnson wrote:
I think the EQUATE TRUE TO 1 comes from a taught programming discipline from
a long time ago and, like many learned things, isn't bad so it doesn't need
replacing. But I don't think it's necessary.

I use constructs like this a lot and I'm "new" to MVDBMS (Started in '90). I know personally, I do this because of my Pascal/C/C++ background has me far, far too used to used to having real constants, enumerated types, variables that can be passed to subroutines by values or reference, etc. and EQUates are the best way to duplicate that functionality.

As for using assignments instead of EQUates, I've seen far too often, insidious bugs that take much longer to track down than they should, because somebody accidentally/inadvertently changed a constant. I've seen this most often when a subroutine changes a passed in variable. This is very easy to do because all variables are passed by reference and not by value (the default in Pascal/C/C++).

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