If we could get more LUGs interested in the UV PE (under linux)
that could help, but the problem here is the MySQL seems to have
a better foothold with the PHP/ASP/CGI for web integration.

Personnally, I'm working on my own web/cgi/uv gateway for personal

I tried to get my local UG to see if anyone was interested in an
install/talk regarding UV PE, and didn't get much response (actually
no response :( ).

I think once more of the public were to use PE for home use then there
might be more interest in a users manual/programming manual

Until UV can work with the ease that perl/MySQL is integrated for
non professional use (there are lots-o- free code for MySQL), very
little for integrating UV.

Of course, if we were willing to foot the bill for the printing expense,
  then I'm sure they would be glad to produce the book regardless of


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Results
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:37 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] UV and XML Schema

    I made that point as well. Tim's position is very simple: If I print 
it, I need to know it will be purchased. The IBM name increases 
visibility, but he needs to have some basis for believing that sales 
will follow from publication. We are a notoriously 'penny aware' market.

     - Charles Barouch
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