I don't know why I cant find the CLEARINPUT statement documented.  Maybe
it was a suggestion from the group way back when.  We are working on a
program that pops up error messages.  I want to be sure that the users
see this message.  What happens a lot, is that our 'speed typers' are
about 10 strokes ahead of the program.  A lot of what they do is
redundant and they arent always in the habit of paying attention to what
is on the screen.  So, I asked the programmer working on this to put a
CLEARINPUT before the pop up messages.  This way, the error message will
have a better chance of being seen.

I have used CLEARINPUT in the past and this statement is in a handful of
existing programs.  The programmer said she had never heard of this and
when she looked in the manual and HELP BASIC CLEARINPUT.  She didn't
find anything.  So, now Im wondering - how did I find out about this ?
I looked in an old (real printed and bound) BASIC manual and I didn't
find it.  I looked in the PDF BASIC manual and I didn't find it.
Actually, it is in the reserved word list.

I would assume this is still a valid command - it does compile.

Can anyone enlighten me ?  My concern is that this could be an old
command that was replaced by something new ?  I don't want to continue
to use something that might not be supported.

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