The U2UG are establishing a new knowledge base. We hope over time to build
this into an independent and authoratative series of articles covering all
aspects of the U2 product lines and providing useful background information
on U2 related technologies. 
List members are cordially invited to submit articles and/or requests for
topics to cover.
This will be a major undertaking in response to frequent requests from the
user list for additional information and resources on the U2 products. To
succeed it will require volunteers to help draft or review articles. Even if
you do not have time to write whole articles, please let us know if you can
help with submitting notes, knowledge or additional materials to help build
up the site. If you can submit articles, now is the time to see your name in
print and to impress your peers!
A *** small scale *** prototype of the knowledge base has been set up at the
following URL:
*** Please be gentle with this - it is a temporary site running on VERY
limited technology *** so don't all jump in at once ***
This will be replaced as soon as possible with a new live site, preferably
hosted using a U2 solution :-) 
Any articles and feedback submitted to the prototype site may (if the author
wishes) be considered for the live site. 
Let us know what you think.
Brian Leach, U2UG Board
u2-users mailing list
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