On 1/4/06, Baker Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, I was reading the docs on it, but no code samples there, so things
> still a bit fuzzy.

Look in (the equivalent of) c:\ibm\unidk\uojsdk and c:\ibm\unidk\jdbc
for samples.

> I'm trying to call the Live Processor (from Retail Decisions) Java API.
> LPTransaction() has these methods:
> clear()
>       Clears/Resets all the properties in this transaction.
> getField(java.lang.String keyword)
>       Retrieves the value of the specified property identified by
> keyword.
> process(LPClient client)
>       Sends the request to LiveProcessor server for processing and gets
> the response.
> setField(java.lang.String keyword, java.lang.String value)
>       Assigns the specified value to the property identified by keyword.

Are you already able to process a transaction using (only) Java code? 
Is the question how to do the entire thing, or just how to hook it up
to UV?  I don't think we have enough information to be of much help...
I'm not sure where you're stuck.

Have they only given you a low level "process a single transaction"
API?  If so, you'll have to do some work in Java before it's ready to
be called from UniBasic.  And at that point I'd be leaning towards a
sockets-based approach.

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