I have successfully used a stored procedure on UniVerse (not UD). I have only called the procedure from a JDBC connection. When I try using the same statement at the console, I get 'Illegal verb "CALL".' It works fine from JDBC, though. *shrug*

You might try using a parameter marker ("?") for your output parameter, as in 'CALL ROUTINE_NAME(?,'1234567'). That is what I'm doing and what I think the documentation indicates is correct. It's been a while since I have looked at all of this, so my memory is a little fuzzy.

Vinson Lee wrote:

We're currently running Unidata 6.0 and I have been trying unsuccessfully to
call a Unidata subroutine (Stored procedure) via SQL. There isn't a whole
lot of documentation on how to call a stored procedure. I'm using the
following syntax: {CALL ROUTINE_NAME('','1234567')}

The name lookup subroutine's first parameter is an output field of a
person's name and the second parameter accepts the key value for a person. I
have also tried defining the subroutine using VSG although the VSG
documentation says this isn't necessary.

I've tried from the sql> prompt (nothing happens) and the colon prompt
(syntax error). If I try using Microsoft Access to call the stored
procedure, I get the following message - "ODBC call failed [Ardent][Unidata
ODBC Driver] Statement violates access rule:Connection is READ ONLY. (#0)"

Has anyone successfully called stored procedures using SQL and what syntax
should be used?


Vinson Lee

San Diego Community College District


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