Pankaj Gupta wrote on 01/20/2006 02:00:07 AM:

> Can anyone tell me what are the basic differences bwtween UniVerse and
> Unidata?

Brian Leach did a great job in his exhaustive response.  For the most 
part, a programmer can make the transition from one environment to the 
other fairly easily.  There are some nagging differences, and of course 
the "right" way is whichever one you're most familiar with.  ;-)

If your duties touch on DBA responsibilities, the differences are much 
more pronounced.  Things are handled quite differently at the O/S level. 
Files are stored differently, records within files are stored differently, 
IPC structures are used in a totally different way, etc., etc.  The tools 
for analyzing performance, data integrity, and process information are 
quite different.  If you have to dig in at this level, I suggest you read 
the appropriate Administering UniData manual for your operating system.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist , U2 Professional Services
North American Lab Services
DB2 Information Management, IBM Software Group
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