Problem seems by changing localhost to my machine name seemd
to fix the problem.....hmmm

I guess in production this would be the case anyway, but I wonder why
this would cause a problem?

Oh well....

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of phil walker
Sent: Thursday, 2 February 2006 3:31 p.m.
Subject: [U2] [UV] SOAP interface

I have the following program which I am testing to try and connect to a
webservice to gain understanding about how this all works and what is
and is not possible.
I run and rerun the program over and over without logging off, and get a
variety of results with the SoapSubmitRequest returing either a 0 or 2,
mainly 2 which is a timeout. The Soap status, is either 200 (OK) or 100
As you can see the first run time outs, timeout set to 1000ms, but the
response does get logged in the protocol log, with the following entry:
02/02/2006 13:50:22 readSocket 1: The virtual circuit was terminated due
to a time-out or other failure. The application should close the socket
as it is no longer usable.
I believe readSocket is an underlying UV socket library call. One
question I have is what is the application, is that UV, is that my basic
program, and how can I close the socket with the SOAP api, or should I
use the socket API, in which case do I use the SOAP api handle?
Then without doing anything else, the second run works ok, but the third
one does not. This is a basic webservice both on the same machine, and
even when I set the timeout value to 30000ms is still timesout more
often than not. Once I have this webservice ticking over reliably, I
will expand what is does, but this is just a proof of concept as to what
sort of throughput I can expect.
Has anyone found some better documentation or examples than the minimal
amount in the BASIC extensions, about how this all works.
Any input into or guidance as to what I may be doing wrong would be
greatly appreciated.
      LF = Char(10)    
      Open '&XML&' To XML.FileVar Else
      Database.Table.XML.Name = 'Consumer'
      Database.Table.XML.SOAPFileName =
      Default.HTTP.Version = '1.1'
      Default.SOAP.Version = '1.2'
      Default.XML.Version = '1.0'
      Default.XML.Encoding = 'UTF-8'
      Default.XML.Header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
      Default.SOAPRequest.Timeout = 1000      
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content = Default.XML.Header:LF
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '<soap:Envelope'
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '>':LF
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '  <soap:Body>':LF
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '    <OPERATION_NAME
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '    </OPERATION_NAME>':LF
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '  </soap:Body>':LF
      Default.SOAPRequest.Content := '</soap:Envelope>'
      WebService.AddressLocation =
      WebService.TargetNameSpace = 'http://localhost/Exodus'
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