Bill Haskett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 23 Mar 2006 19:46:16 -0800

> If I generate a report to _HOLD_ by using "SETPTR 0,,,,,3" can I
> then send the report to another printer, say unit 2, by using
> "SETPTR 2" just before I "SPOOL _HOLD_ P_....."?

The first parameter of the SETPTR command allows a unit to be specified so
that you can direct data to multiple print jobs.  It does not tie a job to
a specific printer.  The DEST parameter does that.

The SPOOL command sends the job to your current printer, so you would need
to use the DEST parameter on a SETPTR command first to select your printer.

I use the first parameter to control print jobs in my check printing
routine.  I issue a SETPTR 1,... for the checks and a SETPTR 2,... for the
copies.  The code creates the print jobs in parallel using PRINT ON 1 or
PRINT ON 2 to direct the output to the appropriate job.  Naturally, I use
FOR PTR = 1 TO 2 ; PRINT ON PTR ; NEXT PTR syntax to do most of the work.

>From TCL, if you type SETPTR with no parameters, you will see the current
settings.  Here's my current output (AIX):

Unit       0
Width      133
Length     65
Top margin 0
Bot margin 0
Mode       1

Options are:
Destination 1ACCT
Copies 1.

Spooler & options: lp -c -n1 -d1ACCT

The original command was


For a Hold & Suppress (Mode 3) or Hold & Print (Mode 6), I typically
replace NHEAD with a BANNER or BANNER UNIQUE tag to control the job name in
the _HOLD_ file.

--Tom Pellitieri
  Century Equipment
  Toledo, Ohio
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