Rudy .. 

> I've already ran it thru IBM and they tell me it is a problem on the sql
> server side.

they would .. wouldn't they

> I have a uv program that inserts into a table in sql server via a stored
> procedure.  I get the following error:

> lExecute Error, state 37000 Natcode 201
> Errtxt [IBM][SQLClient][ODBC][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server
> Driver][SQLserver]
> Procedure 'sp_insert_person' expects parameter '@homephone', which was
> not supplied.

since you are running a stored procedure have you tried running it from
the server side?  If that works have you tried running form anything
else .. say excell or MSQuery?

> The parameter @homephone is being passed.
> If I remove a few of the fields that are being passed I don't get the
> error,  so it seems like there is a limit to the number of fields that can be 
> passed.  I put the fields that
> I removed back in and reran, the error comes back.

I don't remember there being a limit and am on the road right now so
don't have my docs.  I don't see anywhere where you say what 'sql'
server you are using and what version.

David Tod Sigafoos
SigsSolutions, Inc.
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