Comments interspersed...

From: "Tony Gravagno" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [U2] Universe & Java & Web Client
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2006 19:27:13 -0700

> The pack seems to be narrowing to u2Logic and JSF.

I saw a posting yesterday that XLr8 for Eclipse was free.  Then I read on
their website that it's "free to XLr8 users under current maintenance
agreements."  As I understand it XLr8 runs over RedBack.  So buying XLr8
means buying RedBack plus the development tool plus session licenses - if
you're concerned about pricey you really need to take another look at the
numbers for the various products in this industry.

XLr8 for Eclipse is free and no longer requires RedBack. The Web site has been updated to that fact. Therefore, there is no tool cost, no session license cost, and no charge per Web transaction as other products are charging.

Per the u2Logic web page, "XLr8 runs on Microsoft's IIS (Ver. 5 or 6) using
ASP programs for the front end" but that conflicts with your pre-requisite
for not running on a Microsoft server.  DesignBais uses the exact same
technology, costs less for the base product, and doesn't need the
additional (pricey) RedBack to provide session management.  If any of these
points are causing you to reconsider your options, please feel free to drop
me a note and we can talk about what's available in this market and how
various products may or may not suit your needs.

XLr8 can run under IIS or Apache Tomcat, producing HTML/JavaScript code that is not rendered on the fly by IIS or Tomcat making it 3 to 7 times faster than anything out in the U2 market. Reading, writing, deleting, and subroutine calls are handled by AJAX and are fast or faster than telnet screens. But unlike DesignBais, which you represent by the way, this product can be modified, enhanced, added to by anything you find on the internet. The code produced by XLr8 is open and runs on either IE or Firefox. Again, something DesignBais has not been able to say.

So how does U2logic do it. Well, if you have been using our free U2Editor since December of last year you would know. On June 23rd when we release this product, Tony, you too will see what XLr8 developers have know for a long time: U2logic produces quality products, that are affordable and are bring U2 developers into the modern age.

Doug Averch
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