
I assume you've already tried it, but does a simple NOPAGE on the RetrieVe
command work?

Otherwise I guess XMLEXECUTE is probably the best bet, as that is likely to
be the quickest to get fixed if there IS anything wrong! It is also a key
part of the UO.net stuff, so there is a lot of pressure there to get that

This sounds like someone complained that an XML listing DIDN'T page break
when they expected it to...

The XML stuff is new enough that I would expect some changes, but to pick up
on Kate's point, it does worry me when older, standard functionality
changes. Why are IBM even looking at that code? There are plenty
'undocumented' features (often inherited features) that people have used,
and it just takes some helpful programmer to think they are cleaning it up
to break vital systems...


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: 07 June 2006 23:46
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject: [U2] FW: [UV] Change in behaviour of "EXECUTE ... 
> CAPTURING" at 10.1.18 {Unclassified}
> Folks,
> We have been using "EXECUTE <RetrieVe statement that generates an XML
> output> CAPTURING STUFF" to generate XML statements in STUFF.  We then
> pass the XML to a BizTalk server to update a number of other 
> systems from our UniVerse system.  This is done from a 
> Trigger program when certain files change.  
> This has worked fine on 10.0.15, but since I upgraded the 
> Development server to 10.1.18, the STUFF variable gets a 'page feed'
> "<ESC>[H<ESC>[J" inserted every 24 lines.  Not unreasonably, 
> this upsets the MS XML parser in BizTalk!
> Note that this is a new feature, it never happened on 10.0.15.
> Does anyone know why this happens?
>   - maybe I missed a uv.config file change in the upgrade?
>   - maybe this is an exciting 10.1.x 'new feature' [AKA 'bug']?
> I know that changing the terminal page depth works, but the 
> TERM verb is not allowed in Transaction State, and a Trigger 
> is always in Transaction State.
> Unless there's a config change I can make, I can see three 
> ways of fixing this quickly:
> 1)    fiddling the TERM verb options in the VOC to allow it in
> Transaction State
>       Nasty, will probably work, may have unexpected side-effects
> 2)    Filter the STUFF variable to catch and discard these lines
>       Crude, may increase the trigger running time 
> significantly, but will work
> 3)    Upgrade the program to use the brand-new-in-10.1 XMLEXECUTE
> verb.
>       Documentation is sparse to non-existent, except for 
> what the list has already found for me.
>       Not sure I want to be that 'bleeding edge' for this 
> important production application.
> And then of course, there's always
> 4)    Upgrade again to 10.1.<pick a number>, the bug has been found
> and fixed
> Help!
> Thanks
> Mike
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