I will need to look more into the SUSPEND.FILES .....

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John Jenkins
> Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 5:40 PM
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject: RE: [U2] Files reporting as "changing" during backup...
> SUSPEND.FILES ON - this is a minimum. What you are seeing is fairly
> predictable if the database is not quiescent.
> Best Bets:
> Then one of:
> a. a SAN "snap" while suspended

After just yesterday having one of our mirrored drives fail (although
it wasn't an actual drive failure, but the RAID controller was screaming
none the less. (we are atrributing this to a power fluctuation problem
on the motherboard - just one more reason we need to replace our equipment
ASAP). I'm not so keen on breaking any mirrors just at this time, because
I KNOW, one of those drive will fail, while the mirror is broken.

> b. split a mirror while suspended - backup the mirror offline 
> - and re-sync
> c. tar backup to a disk file [ fastest  online method ]

Is there a way to transfer a tarballed file on disk to tape, so that it
can be untarred from tape as if it were originally backed up to tape?


I suppose, we could put restrictions during the 45 min it takes to tar up
no one could work.

> Optionally you could "uvbackup" to a disk file and then tar backup the
> uvbackup separately (possibly after a "compress"). However 
> while this will
> give you file integrity it will also take longer to run (it 
> respects locks)
> and will not maintain referential integrity if the database 
> is still being
> updated.
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