> Starting in January of next year, we will be collecting sales 
> tax for packages that we ship to Texas and was wondering if 
> someone would be willing to share (off-topic would be fine) 
> on how they figure out the correct tax for each city code.  
> Unfortunately we cannot go by zip code and I was wondering 
> what other people have done.  Reason for that, in their PDF, 
> they use the example of Kingwood, Texas (which we have 4 zip 
> codes for) states that the tax collected should go to City of 
> Houston and the Houston MTA, not to Kingwood.  Outside of 
> that explaination, I cannot find any other cross reference 
> between the 2, to try to create some logic out of it.

The software package we use has what they call "tax jurisdictions".
This makes the layered sales taxes like Texas easier.  Each customer
account can have up to 3 tax jurisdictions assigned.  For example, one
can be for the state portion, one for a county portion, a third for the
city portion.

Norman Morgan <> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> http://www.brake.com
A cynic is a person searching for an honest man with a stolen
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