In the last 12 years I've lost a bunch of clients due to mergers or
'upgrades' to allegedly more modern systems.

With only one exception, each was a turn for the worse. The users bemoaned
the lack of features we have installed and while it looks 'pretty' with its
GUI interface, it is nice frosting on a very plain cake.

The fact that you're migrating over to an RPG system makes me laugh and cry
at the same time. I programmed with RPG in the mid 1970's before working for
Microdata then. You will sorely miss virtually everything that is missing on
that AS/400 system that is taken for granted on an MV system.

While many contempory IT people look down their noses at us MV people, RPG
is even worse than MV in this case. Today, these youngsters think RPG is
either Role Playing Game or Rocket Propelled Grenade and not Report Program

If there's any shred of possibly having a fair trial for the death penalty
of your MV system, then I could offer a few real-world scenarios where the
MV system would have prevailed. Now I know that we're biased towards MV. But
to go to RPG is more Jurrasic than Pick is.

My 2 cents.
Mark Johnson

P.S. I have friends who still program in COBOL, Fortran, Pascal, IDA and
even BAL. And we're the ones criticized for keeping our technologies in the
----- Original Message -----
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 7:40 AM
Subject: Re: [U2] Taxware

> Mark,
> With all of the changes in Unidata (over the years) we have been able to
> due an awful lot with Shims.  Obviously, it no longer resembles the
> original version.  We interface to conveyor systems, built an EDI engine,
> web presence, Amazon integration, address correction software, external
> search engines, etc.  It really works well for us.  As a matter of fact,
> there is another local company, that I believe, is still using Shims as
> well.
> Unfortunately, every good thing comes to an end.  We were acquired by an
> entity that does not use Unidata.  Theoretically, over the next 6 months
> we will be assimilated to their AS/400 RPG 4 system.
> Oh, well.
> Vance
> "Mark Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 11/28/2006 11:07 PM
> Please respond to
> To
> <>
> cc
> Subject
> Re: [U2] Taxware
> I'll bite.
> How big (or not big) is SHIMS now-a-days. I worked on it 20 years ago
> along
> with its step brother, RESULTS. Is it supported or detached like Results?
> Thanks
> Mark Johnson.
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