Boydell, Stuart skrev:
I was just trying to track down where a particular program in
GLOBAL.CATDIR came from and I'm wondering how others manage Globally
Catalogued verbs?
Are there normal tools like VLIST for them - and how can you easily
determine which program file and account a globally catalogued verb
emanates from?
 Yes and no,

MAKE.MAP.FILE   ( takes an awful lot of time )

and then list &MAP&

The  WHO column is the origin account ( first 8 chars only )
- or whatever IAM that might have been in effect.

The source file can be found in the GLOBAL.CATDIR *program record,
the last line shows the complete path to the file.
( It seems to be the source file from compile time.)

BTW even for 'normally' cataloged programs you need
to use the above technique to determine the source account
as you may catalog a program into another account by:

catalog  file  *otheraccount*program  programsource

The result of this is identical to a normal catalog in otheraccount
except for what shows up in the origin column in the &MAP& file
and that no verb is created in any account.

The VLIST  command doesn't work on GLOBAL.CATDIR
not even after you make a GLOBAL.CATDIR.O  pointer to the
catalog directory.

-- mats
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