You might check the firewall(s) between your workstation and the remote server to check if they have a telnet timeout.

Bill Haskett wrote:
I have UniData 7.1 running on a local server in our network.  I'm testing
UniData 7.1 on an off-site server.  When I telnet in to the off-site server
I notice telnet is disconnecting if idle for 30 minutes.  This never happens
on our internal server.  We use AccuTerm.  The telnet port is different than
port 23.
I have the "keepalive" unchecked in AccuTerm because is sends a funny
character to UniData (a greater-than character with a line underneath it).
I used UniAdmin and configured UniData telnet to send the "keepalive" with
the parameters being 1000 / 7200000 / 5.  It still disconnects.
Does anyone know how this is supposed to work in UniAdmin and UniData? Thanks, Bill Haskett
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