I have a program I wrote that will find just about any string in any file.
I wrote it case sensitive, however, because we have to search that way 99%
of the time. Since it's a program, you can modify it to be case insenstive
and have the speed of the TCL SEARCH command with control. Don't we like

I've pasted it at the end of this email. It's 117 lines long and uses a
few things specific to our system, such as SET.DIMENSIONS which reads the
COLUMNS and LINES from the terminal and sets the UV environment to match, 
plus $include INC.KLP which has a few variables that should be
self-explanatory as @(-N) commands commonly used.

And, I hope it helps. Maybe it should be put on the WIKI?


<quote who="Peter Veenhof">
> Thanks Brian, that'll do the trick for what I'm after. Since I'm calling
> from UONET I may be able to do a 'squawk' to a phantom piped output to a
> file to pull record IDs as they are found when running this against any
> seriously large tables.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 10:18 AM
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Subject: RE: [U2] [UV] SEARCH command
> Peter
> Search is case sensitive.
> The best case-insensitive equivalent (though slower) is to use a SELECT
> command:
> Brian
> -------

0001 !(FINDALL) - Search any file for input string
0002 ! Karl Pearson
0003 ! 02/09/2005
0004 $include INC.KLP
0006       VARS = trim(@sentence)
0007       TLRT = dcount(VARS,' ')
0008       FL = field(VARS,' ',TLRT)
0009       SRCH = field(VARS,' ',2,TLRT-2)
0010       execute 'RUN BP SET.DIMENSIONS'  ;! Set terminal Width & Height
0011       open EMP,'AR.CTL' to AR.CTL else stopm 'No AR.CTL File.'
0012       read REC from AR.CTL,"FINDALL" then
0013          USRNM = REC<1>
0014          if USRNM = @LOGNAME then
0015             print "You are running FINDALL. If you know you aren't,
then type ATS and press <ENTER> to continue : ":
0016             input DOSLK
0017             if upcase(DOSLK) = 'ATS' then go ARNDIT
0018          end
0019          stopm USRNM:" is running FINDALL. Try again."
0020       end else
0021          write @LOGNAME on AR.CTL,"FINDALL"
0022       end
0023 ARNDIT:
0024       Y = 1 ; KEY = EMP ; CNT = 0 ; PCNT = 0
0025       BTM = @crthigh
0026       SPOT = @(0,BTM-4)
0027       SPTT = @(0,BTM-3)
0028       print @(-1)
0029 SRCH: if TLRT = 1 then
0030          print SPOT:'  Enter Search String or E=End : ':CLSLN:
0031          input SRCH
0032          if SRCH = EMP then
0033             print 'Nothing Entered...'
0034             go SRCH
0035          end
0036          if upcase(SRCH) = 'E' or upcase(SRCH) = 'Q' then go OUTT
0037          print SPOT:'  Enter FILE to Search for ':SRCH:' : ':CLSLN:
0038          input FL
0039          if upcase(FL) = 'E' or upcase(FL) = 'Q' then go OUTT
0040          if FL = EMP or FL = 0 then
0041             print 'No File Entered...'
0042             go SRCH
0043          end
0044       end
0045       open EMP,'FNDLST' TO FNDLST else
0046          gosub CLEANIT
0047          stopm 'No FNDLST File'
0048       end
0049       open EMP,FL to SRCHFL else
0050          gosub CLEANIT
0051          stopm 'No ':FL:' File'
0052       end
0053       read LOCKED from FNDLST,'LOCKED' then
0054          print 'Process being run by ':LOCKED<1>
0055          print 'If you continue, you will clear FNDLST from them'
0056          print 'Continue <ENTER>=No/Yes : ':
0057          input CONTI ; CONTI = upcase(CONTI)
0058          if CONTI = EMP or CONTI = 'N' then go OUTT
0059       end
0061       writev @logname on FNDLST,'LOCKED',1
0062       select SRCHFL
0063       if FL[1,2] = 'BP' or FL[1,4] = 'PROG' or FL[1,3] = 'VOC' then
0064          DCT = 0
0065       end else
0066          DCT = 1
0067       end
0068       if DCT then
0069          open 'DICT',FL to DFL else
0070             gosub CLEANIT
0071             stopm 'No DICT ':FL:' File!!!! GET HELP!'
0072          end
0073       end
0074       PCNT = 1
0075 ST:   readnext KEY else go OUTT
0076       inputif DOODLY,1: then go OUTT
0077       read REC from SRCHFL,KEY else
0078          print 'UNABLE TO OPEN "':KEY:'"'
0079          go ST
0080       end
0081       C = 1
0082       print SPOT:'Itm#: ':PCNT:' ':KEY:CLSLN:
0083       print SPTT:'Finding: ':SRCH:' in ':FL:CLSLN:
0084       PCNT += 1
0085 NXT:  inputif DOODLY,1: then go OUTT
0086       findstr SRCH in REC setting POS else go ST
0087 !     if @logname = 'karl' then debug
0088       C += 1
0089       POS = POS'r%2'
0090       if POS then
0091          if Y > (BTM - 6) then Y = 2
0092          CNT += 1
0093          if DCT then
0094             readv DCTLN from DFL,'F':POS,4 else DCTLN = EMP
0095             print @(0,Y):CNT"R#4":'  ':KEY:' on Line ':POS:'
0096          end else
0097             print @(0,Y):CNT"R#4":'  ':KEY:' on Line
0098          end
0099          write POS ON FNDLST,KEY
0100          Y += 1
0101          go ST
0102       end
0103       go NXT
0105       print SPTT:BCKSPC:
0106       delete FNDLST,'LOCKED'
0107       if CNT then
0108          print SPOT:PCNT:" Searched. To Edit/Save-List Found Files,
0109          print "SELECT FNDLST"
0110          print "ED FL/SAVE-LIST SLNAME"
0111       end else
0112          print SPOT:"Searched ":PCNT:" items in ":FL:". String
":SRCH:". Nothing Found...":CLSLN
0113       end
0115       delete AR.CTL,"FINDALL"
0116       return
0117    end
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