. . . comment below . . .
<quote who="Craig Bennett">
> I totally agree with Karl, but for added flexibility
>> Put the IP address in, or the printer name if it's under your DNServer
>> that way. Add the port as the name of the queue on the remote host. For
>> Jetdirects, you can use 9100 or RAW1, 9101, RAW2, etc.
> Don't use a static IP address here even if you aren't using DNS. Create
> an entry in /etc/hosts so that you can change the IP address of your
> printer/move it to a different print server without having to
> reconfigure your AIX queue (you can just change the IP address in the
> hosts file).

Very good advice. Nice addition.


> Craig
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Karl Pearson
Director of I.T.
ATS Industrial Supply, Inc.
800-789-9300 x29
Local: 801-978-4429
Fax: 801-972-3888

"To mess up your Linux PC, you have to really work at it;
 to mess up a microsoft PC you just have to work on it."
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