I wonder if we have anything like this in the Missouri or the central states area. With a state the size of Texas you will probably have one heck of a job with people making a commitment having people from Houston to Amarillo, Texarkana to El Paso. A meeting would probably mean a plane ride and an overnight stay. How you going to do it.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Baker Hughes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 1:46 PM
Subject: Spam:[U2] Texas U2 Members listening?

At the recent International Spectrum MV conference in Long Beach a new
Texas Area Multi-value User Group was launched.  If you are located in
or around Texas we invite you to join by going to the yahoo group:


If you want to email me off-list I will send you a pre-approved
invitation link.

This is a private group, only members can post to it, view archives,
etc.  I would ask, therefore, that you give a few sentences or syllables
about yourself [your involvement in U2 or MV] so we can validate all our
members.  This is for the security of our membership.

Our first TXAMUG meeting is scheduled for June 28th, which will commence
quarterly meetings thereafter.

Our aims for TXAMUG:

--> Get face time with others who are using the MV database model to
share knowledge and experiences.

--> Provide a technical and advisory resource to 'mutually aid' one
another in our respective daily tasks.

--> Develop regional venues to disseminate knowledge and products for
the MV database.

--> Personally advance in our MV expertise through educational
presentations by TXAMUG Group members and other training providers.

--> Spread the news that the MV database model is not just surviving but
evolving into more interoperability and robustness, while retaining it's
'business-intuitive' structure.

Just for clarification, TXAMUG is intended to complement the role of the
U2 and CDP groups in the MV community, by providing periodic physical
meetings with some of the same friends you interact with on these worthy
technical forums.

Cordial Welcome,
-Baker Hughes,
Moderator, texas_mug
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