Environment:   HP-UX  11.23   Itanium

                UniVerse  10.1.24
                        (This is a new system and version of UV for us)

Issue:  When you are NOT superuser,  LIST.READU shows only locks you
personally have locked but will not show the PID or login of any other
lock being set.

        I am sure it is a permissions situation, but for the life of me
I can not find what is not getting executed to produce a full listing.
As superuser - no problems.

           Any insight would be most greatly appreciated.


Barry  Rogen
PNY Technologies, Inc.
Senior  Programmer/Analyst
(973)  515 - 9700  ext 5327

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win
glorious triumphs even though checkered by
failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who
neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live
in the gray twilight that knows neither victory
nor defeat.                t. roosevelt
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