Jef Lee skrev:
Some time ago, someone posted code showing a very fast way to process
all the attributes in a record.  I think it involved deleting the first
attribute after processing it, but I'm not sure.

I searched the digests I have kept and probably haven't got that one or
don't know what words to search for.  I also tried the user group's
website search but it's currently a broken link.

Please tell me where to go or reply with the method you used.


Jeffrey Lee
Senior Analyst/Programmer

You're mention of deleting the first attibute leads me to think that that
it's a trick for building a mv array quickly You're thinking about:

arr  = ""

   ....    code to calc next.value
   while  more.values
   arr := @AM:next.value
del arr<1>


-- mats -------
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