As some of you already know, if you have a new person either in
management or development in a U2 (or other Pick) shop, you can have
them read my little MultiValue Trilogy at

These are "flash cards" and they were written with readers to help
with quality.  My blog effort has also been a book-in-progress, of
sorts, although I have set it aside for the time being to start a
software project.

It is a little dated and geared to D3, but Sisk's book on BASIC is
also online at

I do have quite a few Pick books from days gone by on my shelf and
after checking Jon's site, I see he has some for sale. I suspect that
someone would write another one if there were a market for it, but the
vendors all have documentation and the user exchanges, such as
u2-users, help get folks the rest of the way. It is neither mainstream
enough nor difficult enough to prompt someone to write a new book, I
suspect.  Additionally, the various Pick vendors have mostly gone
their separate ways on client-server and there are many third-party
products, so other than the basics of  Data BASIC and the Pick data
model, most of the information needed is vendor-specific at this
point, I suspect.

Cheers!  --dawn

On 5/10/07, MAJ Programming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've never seen MV books in any bookstore. We've been a pretty well-kept

MV is hard to illustrate with words and/or drawings as itself is DOS-like
and character based. Perhaps that's a stumbling block on create a book
that's easy to read. Most books that I've come across are similar to the
reference manuals with not a whole lot of "this is better than that". It
seems to present everything on a equal basis.

My 1 cent.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Derwin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2007 3:00 PM
Subject: [U2] Re: Why are there no MV books?

> Hi Gabe,
> Some quick thoughts:
> The Internet has dramatically reduced the need for printed materials,
> especially on fast-changing technical subjects. Even PC Magazine is a
> fraction of its former size.
> In the late '80s - early '90's (what I'd consider the heyday of Pick /
> MV so far), there were several books in print. Someone posted this link
> to Jonathan Sisk's Pick Publications Database not long ago:
> Many Pick / MV database installations are a "behind the scenes" part of
> software packages, so end-users might not feel the need for reference
> books.
> Hopefully others can comment on the state of the MV market.
> Regards,
> Tom
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 05/10/07 11:30 AM >>>
> Can I ask a silly question--why are there no MV books in bookstores in
> print?
> Anyone want to write one? ;-)
> Is the MV market expanding, shrinking, or staying stagnant?  Does IBM
> plan
> to really start promoting U2 or is it just something they acquired to
> get a
> few large customers?  Anybody?
> Gabe
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