> I thought DBPAUSE allowed running processes to finish but would hold new
> processes . That's not much of a pause when you think that a process
> could be running for hours before the system is truly paused.

Fortunately, that's not true.  Only pending writes are processed, not 
entire programs.  Committed transactions are processed, uncommitted 
transactions are temporarily rolled back.  Processes that attempt new 
updates after dbpause is issued will appear to be "hung".  As soon as 
dbresume is issued, they pick up at the update.  Processes performing read 
operations continue along their merry way.

As a rule, control returns from dbpause to its invoking process in a few 
seconds, although it could be a bit longer if there are many pending 
updates or if it takes a long time for the disk subsystem to catch up.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist
U2 Lab Services
Information Management, IBM Software Group
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