Do you have the AllowNFS flag set or are you using uvnet?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bill Haskett
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 11:34 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] UD Phantom Credentials


Because a UNC path doesn't work for me; even when I mapped it like:

001 DIR
002 \\ftpserver\ftproot\mydir
003 D_VOC 

Colin Alfke suggested I change it to:

001 DIR
002 \\ftpserver\E$\ftproot\mydir
003 D_VOC 

...but this doesn't fully work.  For instance, an sftp script run, as a
phantom, from a phantom shows the following errors:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ftp process starting at 00:09:03 Jul 06 2007

E:\UDAccounts\Ham>sftpc -profile="E:\Backups\Scripts\CabHam.tlp"
Bitvise Tunnelier 4.22 - sftpc, a command line SFTP client. Copyright (C)
2000-2006 by Bitvise Limited. Portions Copyright (C) 1995-2003 by Wei Dai.

ERROR: Reading command file specified with -cmdFileReading command file
specified with - parameter failed: Error opening file
'\ftpserver\E$\ftproot\Ha m\CAB_20070706000900.txt' - CreateFile() failed
with the following
Windows error 3: The system cannot find the path specified.

sftpc [EMAIL PROTECTED]:port] OR -profile=file [-host=host]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The only way I've found to resolve this is to "map" a drive from the UD
server to the SFTP server via Windows explorer, then "net use ..." in the
LOGIN paragraph (I've added the /persistent:no flag), then set the (VOC)
pointer for FTPFILE like:

001 DIR
002 N:\mydir
003 D_VOC 

This is very convoluted, and, as a partial solution, not exactly what I
expected.  But I can't seem to find an otherwise "clean" solution that

We're only mapping one drive (N:) for the sftp directories.  I can't reverse
the mapping because the SFTP software doesn't allow the use of network


>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Ward
>Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 6:57 AM
>Subject: RE: [U2] UD Phantom Credentials
>Why not just replace the drive mapping with a UNC path?
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
>Anthony Youngman
>Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 7:04 AM
>Subject: RE: [U2] UD Phantom Credentials
>Ouch !!!
>I can tell you WHAT is happening. How you solve it is a policy
>issue, not a
>technical issue.
>Basically, drive mappings are system-wide, not user-related.
>If you have
>multiple processes/users all wanting their own unique drive 
>mappings, sorry
>it's not going to happen!
>We had this exact problem - our backup script on our servers
>had its own
>drive mappings. Our dear consultant (until we screamed at him once we
>realised what was happening) had this nasty habit of (a) using 
>our server as
>his personal workstation, and (b) forgetting to log off. The 
>were many and annoying, including such things as failed backups...
>Anyways. You have to have a policy saying that either (a) THIS
>is the set of
>drive mappings on the server and THEY MUST NOT CHANGE, OR (b) 
>every process
>needs to set its own drive mappings on login, and every 
>process needs to be
>aware of every other process that does this to avoid a 
>collision, and no
>users are to leave the console logged in to mess things up.
>Your call ...
>Oh - by the way - stick a "net use disconnect" whatever the
>syntax is before
>every connect. That way, at least if there's no-one logged in 
>holding the
>drive, you'll get rid of whatever setting it's been left at. 
>Otherwise, if
>they did a "remember this setting", your process will load 
>their mapping,
>then your explicit mapping will fail with "drive letter 
>already in use".
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bill Haskett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: 06 July 2007 09:56
>Subject: [U2] UD Phantom Credentials
>A look at Google tells me this is some kind of drive mapping problem 
>associated with a possible conflict with non-administrator users and 
>the "net use" command.  It so happens that I've mapped an ftp
>server's drive
>onto the UD server (Windows) as the "N:\" drive.  To get 
>UniData to use this
>"shared" directory, on the other server, I have to insert
>!net use N: \\sftpserver\ftpdir {password}  /user:{sftpserver\userid}
>...into the LOGIN paragraph (it appears this has to be run at each 
>invocation of a UD shell, aka UD login).  I then create a (VOC)
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