There isn't a UV- or UD- or PI-supplied way.

I wrote a utility function to do that years ago, but you have to account
for the THEN vs. ELSE clause  as well as returning the position number.
I did that by returning a negative number on ELSE.  Then the calling
I-descriptor has to test for +/- & act accordingly.  Yuck.

I am generally biased toward utility routines and i-descriptors, but
after using implementing my LOCATESUB() in actual i-descs, I recommend
just writing a little i-desc function that does exactly what you need,
with the LOCATE statement buried in there.

It's more maintainable.


-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Farmer

I have someone asking me how to use a LOCATE statement in an I
Descriptor.  I have never done that and would not know if it is
possible, or what the syntax is.  Does anyone know if you can do this,
and what the syntax would be to use the resultant location?


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