> So today, how do you measure expensive? And with todays flamethrowers, 
> it really matter?

In my mind, performance always matters, especially if there are dozens or 
hundreds of processes running the logic in question.  This has a bearing 
not only in CPU consumption but also network bandwidth.  Always think 
about the slowest component in the stream, which in this case would be the 
network.  If you make a single request (i.e.: the example provided earlier 
that put all the @ logic in a single string to be displayed in one CRT 
statement), that gets tucked into one network packet and is dealt with all 
down the line as a single entity.  If you make a separate request for each 
field, you're initiating a separate network request and generate separate 
packets for each of those fields.  This could result in many kilobytes of 
information, in multiple packets, going across the network, interlaced 
with the individual requests from other users, to update just a few bytes 
on the screen.

But even if you're working on a local PC, you can see the difference 
between doing things in one CRT versus multiple.  It's a much smoother 
look, which is more appealing to the end user, since the cursor isn't 
dancing all around the screen.

As to flamethrowers, faster hardware often means that little 
inefficiencies can add up to huge bottlenecks when given the chance. Water 
always seeks its own level, and computers will always find a way to 
exploit the slowest component.  If you have more or faster CPUs cranking 
out information for the network to handle, everything on the network will 
suffer.  It's conceivable that could include things totally unrelated to 
the U2 application or even the server in question, conceivably having 
enterprise-wide implications.

OK - sorry for the rant.  That always seems to happen when I talk about 
performance.  Let's try again.

> And with todays flamethrowers, does it really matter?


Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist
U2 Lab Services
Information Management, IBM Software Group
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