Drat. I'm always coming in 2nd. Well, other than choosing a wife. I struck
gold with that, just over 30 years ago. 8^}

And, by the way, what does Jerry win?


<quote who="Stephen O'Neal">
> Scott Thompson asked ..."> What is the best way to verify the integrity of
> a file while users are accessing (if possible at all)?"
> Please note that Scott only asked for a single file...
> Runner Up:
> Karl P
> was extremely close with "LIST FNAME LASTATTRIBUTE".  If he would have
> added DET.SUP, he would have been a Winner.  This would have avoided the
> output.
> Karl's entry would require you to press the ENTER key as the @ID and
> LASTATTRIBUTE were displayed for every record.  You would probably get
> sick of this after a while and enter a "S" to suppress the output when the
> PAK (Press Any Key to continue) prompt was requested.
> However, you would have to write a rather extensive PAragraph or PRoc to
> include ALL of the files.
> And the Winner is:
> Jerry Banker who stated:
> "You can try doing a uvbackup on the file to /dev/null. When the file is
> backed up it checks the integrity of the file.
> Jerry"
> uvbackup is the only utility that goes thru all of the files and reports
> on its integrity.
> uvbackup can be run with users on the system.
> The question that was not asked...
> Should I add the "uvbackup on the file to /dev/null" to my monthly
> processes to verify the integrity of the database?
> Best business practices state that this should be included every month.
> This is a more PC answer than "HELL YES, We're talkin' Job Security"!
> Nice Contest,
>    Steve
>    Stephen M. O'Neal
>    U2 Lab Services Sales Specialist
>    Information Management, IBM Software Group
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Karl Pearson
Director of I.T.
ATS Industrial Supply, Inc.
800-789-9300 x29
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"To mess up your Linux PC, you have to really work at it;
 to mess up a microsoft PC you just have to work on it."
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