Hello Susan,

I am enrolled for U2 University as a first time attendee.

On two separate occasions, I asked IBM Teach if it is required to sign up for 
individual sessions (on each of the three tracks) in advance.  I received two 
different answers: yes, and no.

Since I have not found any place on-line to sign-up for the individual 
sessions, I assume that the sessions are held on a "first come, first serve" 

If that is the case, can you tell me whether or not "full" class sessions are 
an issue?  Do I need to arrive to the sessions early to ensure my place?

Thank you.

Bruce Gauthier
I.S. Analyst
County of Nevada

>>> "Susan Joslyn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/31/2007 5:03 AM >>>
I'll be there!  

Nancy, If you are on the fence about whether it is a worthwhile investment,
I would certainly encourage you.  I have picked up a number of tidbits that
are helping me EVERY DAY, not even to mention the really interesting
high-brow stuff about efficiency and disaster recovery and then the
help-me-plan-for-the-future stuff of seeing what's coming next.  Putting
faces on names is a bonus, too.  Getting a chance to be HEARD, that one gets
a gold star.

These are incredibly informative and educational sessions on a wide variety
of topics all crammed into a very affordable three days.  Everyone I've
talked to at them has said the same thing.  

See ya there.
Susan Joslyn
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