I'm all for exposing my personal techniques and watching the flames come.
Granted, there will be some holy wars but in the end, many ambiguous
conditions may be solved one way or another.

I have exposed my personal techniques for many years on these forums and
will defend them as I understand the offenders. I am also smart enough to
change a technique if I see a better one.

It doesn't have to be voted unanimously to be my favorite. We all can tell
what techniques will fit comfortably with our existing skills. I, for one,
do not care for the EQU CUST.NAME to CUSTOMER(1) style of coding. I do not
like using attr 99 for calculated dictionary items (sorry, that's another
forum). I have my own preferred way of opening files, file handle names, and
even constructively mixing numeric with alphabetic labels.

While there will be no winners, everyone will be a winner as we all will
become exposed to other techniques that many of us may not have had the
luxury of reviewing many different systems.

I can't wait.
Mark Johnson

PS. Hopefully this doesn't become an artistic expression of grandeur.
Meaning, if the chapter was the best way to multiply 2 numbers together,
A=B*C must win. If someone submits A=e^(ln(B)+ln(C)) then that misses the
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] OCONV Extraction Question - Best Practises

> I'd play on that field, Chuck.  Not looking for a flame war, but I
> know there are a lot of people with some great ideas and there's much
> to be gained by keeping the lines of communication open.  Then again,
> topics like alpha vs. numeric labels could turn out to be massively
> polarizing.
> -------
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