I don't have access to a "real" UniVerse site this week, but uv -admin -help 
should show you what options are available.
Here's samples from DataStage, which began life as a UniVerse application.  
Unfortunately your mail reader is going to foul up the display by line-wrapping 
- I leave it to you to unwrap the lines.  It looks good as I'm sending it.

uv -admin -info
Details for DataStage Engine release instance "ade"
Install history   : Installed by root (admin:dsadm) on: May 31 2005 01:34:08
Instance tag      : ade
Engine status     : Running
Engine location   : /app/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine
Binary location   : /app/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/bin
Impersonation     : Enabled
Administrator     : dsadm
Autostart mode    : enabled
Autostart link(s) : /etc/rc.d/init.d/ds.rc
                  : /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S999ds.rc
                  : /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S999ds.rc
                  : /etc/rc.d/rc4.d/S999ds.rc
                  : /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S999ds.rc
Startup script    : /app/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine/sample/ds.rc
Cache Segments    : 0 active
User Segments     : 0 active

uv -admin -lic_report
Warning License is in effect.
4 CPU's licensed.
DSPX package licensed.
DSSRV package licensed.
No. Pid, Package  Device name             IP address      Device sub-key
0 license seats are in use.
8 license seats are available.

uv -admin -help
uv [-admin option]
        -autostart  [on|off]    enable/disable autostart feature
        -clearshm               clear BASIC catalog bit.
        -freeLOGSEM             release LOGSEM semaphore.
        -impersonation [on|off] enable/disable impersonation mode
        -info                   implementation information
        -lic_report             display licensing information.
        -regen      {opts}      generate configuration file.
        -reset      {opts}      reinitialize shared memory.
        -start      [force]     start DSEngine. (force if lockfile exists)
        -stop       [nowait]    shutdown DSEngine (nowait on segments).
        -version                display version number.
        -Lock                   Suspend file I/O.
        -Report                 Current suspension status.
        -Unlock                 Unsuspend file I/O.

The -lic_report option can also be executed as uvlictool report_lic

Obviously DataStage has diverged a little from UniVerse - they were last 
identical at UniVerse version 9.6, which was DataStage version 5.2.
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