That's an interesting comment. If it is documented in the patchlist, I think that makes it part of the release. Plus, we found out about it being there in a public talk by LeRoy Dreyfuss at the IBM conference in Orlando a couple of years ago. At the time LeRoy was the U2 product manager (at least I think that was his title).

LeRoy? You listening in and care to comment?



On Feb 16, 2008, at 11:59 AM, Martin Phillips wrote:

Don't forget to read each releases patchlist in the UV directory. They have been known to put things in there that aren't in the New Features doc. The CONCURRENT option to BUILD.INDEX comes to mind.

I queried why CONCURRENT wasn't in the manuals despite pre-release publicity. The response I got from IBM support in the UK was that it is not officially released as it doesn't work. Maybe JayJay will have an update on this.
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