We do use .ssh to login to UniVerse.  As far as Mumps I know little
about that, it may be that it is because it is such an old version and
old box that telnet can't be turned off for that.  It is an extremely
old and antiquated dialer system that uploads data from the UniVerse and
returns usage reports to the UniVerse.  Which causes more problems
anyway as this statistical reports never make what the UniVerse reports
show as you are comparing apples to oranges and users just don't
understand that.  

It will eventually be replaced with a new and better dialer system,
hopefully sooner than later.



-----Original Message-----
From: Rex Gozar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 10:15 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] converting from UniVerse on Redhat Linux to UniVerse
on Windows


Have you considered turning off telnet and using ssh to log into 
Universe/MUMPS?  It should just be a simple .profile (or .bash_profile) 
change.  That will give you PCI compliance.

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