I am glad the product is "green" but also...

1. Do all the programmers use flat panel monitors, not energy-hogging crts?
2. What are the PC power settings there?
3. Is the code written without regard for race, creed, color, gender, or
4. Are the objects there created by vegetarians for vegetarians?
5. Have software testers there been purified by the spring waters of
spiritual holistics?

All other factors being unequal, these are the characteristics that I look
for before wooing my leaders for that elusive "green light"... leading to
placing a purchase.



  We are a "green" software product.
        1) Software is only downloadable via our web site.
        2) The software has not paper output, everything is displayed in
        3) Our documentation is in PDF or Word format.
        4) Payment for our software is Pay Pal which is paperless.  
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