These questions have come up so many times I'm almost sick of hearing it. I really wish that IBM would get off their duff and get some of these questions answered. I just wonder why they don't run the tests against the other databases. If their afraid to run them against DB2 for fear that their shinning star can be beat then don't do it against it, but at least they could run the tests against their competitors. And don't tell me that it's like testing apples and oranges because we all know that we can build either U2 product to act like an SQL database. If you do find that U2 is not up to other relational databases in their world then try using it natively.

From: "Louie Bergsagel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 6:08 PM
To: <>
Subject: [U2] Why Buy (or develop in) UniVerse?

Has anyone compiled any reasons for buying or developing in UniVerse vs.
Oracle or some other relational database?

I keep hearing things like:

  - UniVerse doesn't cache like a relational db
  - UniVerse doesn't use indexes properly
  - UniVerse selects aren't as fast as a relational db

and I don't know what to reply.

I've googled Multivalue vs. Oracle and found a bunch of complaints that
UniVerse doesn't manage data or security like some people think it should.
I have a friend who said that sometimes he just wished someone would tell
him what to do.  He would probably not like UniVerse.

I found one white paper on IBM:

It would be nice to see hard data like:

  - Universe vs. Oracle speed benchmarks such as
  - time to select a 4 million record file.
     - time to update 4 million records.
     - time to LIST 4 million records.
     - UniVerse vs. Oracle tables per (Order Entry, for instance) app
  - number of UniVerse programmers to support a $100m sales company vs.
  - Cost of a UniVerse system vs. Oracle.

Oracle here is generic for any relational data base management system, I
suppose, including DB2.

-- Louie in Seattle
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