Just a quick (dumb?) question that will save me spending 5 minutes
writing a little test program (instead I'll spending 15 mins reading
responses .... BARGAIN!!) - and may also be useful for other listeners

In D3 for subroutines that are called "often" (either within a program,
or a system if you use common) then a construct like

mysub = "mysub"
for I = 1 to lots
call @mysub
next I

turns out to be marginally faster than

call mysub

because the subroutine name is resolved via the MD once on the first
call, sub subsequent indirect calls are faster as they avoid the MD/VOC

Does this hold true across U2? And/or do you get same sort of benefit
from global catalog?

Ross Ferris
Stamina Software
Visage > Better by Design!
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