Remember - in the SQL world the order of data in the file is defined as
unimportant. The MV's imply an order that is lost when "converted" to SQL.
You can either create an associated I-desc that has the mv position (instead
of actually adding the field for the line counter - which we actually have
in one of our older SQL apps) or use a dict that combines all of the MV's
into one block.

Colin Alfke
Calgary, Canada

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Caryl Lange
> We have that same issue with our ODBC connection and Access. We have
> tried adding a field for a line counter, which works but is cheesy. We
> also have one or two that we write twice, one MV and one SV. Neither
> solution is that graceful.
> Caryl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bruce Ordway
> Hi,
> I have some notes that are stored in a MV field.
> My application, (Dataflo) keeps the lines in order.
> However, I use Wintegrate Query Builder to export them.
> I have found that the notes don't necessarily come out in the proper
> sequence.
> For example:
> I am going to
> The park today
> And then I
> Will go home
> Might look like this:
> And then I
> I am going to
> Will go home
> The park today
> Is there a way to keep a note in the right sequence?
> Thanks,
> Bruce Ordway
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