Here are 2 dicts I created for the CUSTOMER file in the DEMO account. I didn't
try them with ODBC though.

They both work with the CATEGORIES_LIKED field in <9> of the CUSTOMER file.

This one puts everything in one "blob" with the MV lines now separated with
spaces.< 1 > Top of "ALL_CATEGORIES" in "DICT CUSTOMER", 6 lines, 61
characters.001: I002: EXTRACT(@RECORD,9,0,0);CONVERT(@VM," ",@1);TRIM(@2)
003:004:005: 40L006: SBottom.Parts 2 and 3 of this one may fall into the
category of "belt" and "suspenders" but make me feel better when passing them
through ODBC.

This is how to create a "line number" for the MV lines.
< 2 > Top of "CL_POS" in "DICT CUSTOMER", 7 lines, 51 characters.001: I002:
EXTRACT(@RECORD,9,0,0);@NV003:004: mv line005: 5R006: MV007: CATLINKBottom.
< 3 > Top of "CATLINK" in "DICT CUSTOMER", 2 lines, 26 characters.001: PH002:

Colin Alfke
Calgary Canada
> From: Bruce> > Hi Colin,> > Your idea sounds like it would fix my problem. >
>You can either create an associated I-desc that has the mv position > Can you
show me an example?> I have built some simple I-desc's, but I'm pretty weak at
it.> > >or use a dict that combines all of the MV's into one block.> This
would be great, again, can you show me an example?> > Thank,> > Bruce> > > > I
have some notes that are stored in a MV field.> > My application, (Dataflo)
keeps the lines in order.> > However, I use Wintegrate Query Builder to export
them.> > > > I have found that the notes don't necessarily come out in the
proper > > sequence.> > > > For example:> > > > I am going to> > The park
today> > And then I> > Will go home> > > > Might look like this:> > > > And
then I> > I am going to> > Will go home> > The park today> > > > Is there a
way to keep a note in the right sequence?> >
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